Standard Business Licence Application

Home occupation business licence

    Continue with this application if you have a home occupation business that is based within a residential home in the Resort Municipality of Whistler. Contract workers such as massage therapist, janitors, and trades people are required to apply for a home occupation business licence. The licence travels with them to the locations in which they perform the services. Contractors based outside of Whistler, but performing work in Whistler should select the ‘non-resident’ option in the application.

Required Documents and Checklist

  • Fire Safety - If your business is located within a commercial location you are required to pay an annual Fire Inspection fee of $125.00 which is charged on your business licence invoice. For more information see Business Fire Safety. Please review the Fire Safety Checklist to ensure you are prepared before scheduling the inspection. If the Fire Dept. has to re-inspect because your business is not ready, or you do not pass the initial inspection, the first re-inspection is free and any subsequent re-inspection fees will be billed at $300.00 each.
  • Sign Permit - An application is required to be submitted and approved prior to installing any signage for the business. The Sign Permit application is submitted to and processed by the Planning Dept. For more information see Sign Permits.

Additional Information

  • A $25.00 non-refundable application fee is charged for all applications. You must have a Visa, Mastercard or American Express credit card in order to complete this application. Please be advised a 2.2 % processing fee will be charged on the transaction.
  • If you don't have a credit card, please email to discuss alternative application and payment options.
  • Additional information may be requested by the licence inspector in order to assist in determining whether the applicant may be issued a licence. Upon being satisfied that a licence application, renewal, or change meets the requirements for issuance, renewal, or change of a licence in this bylaw, the licence inspector may issue, renew or change a licence. The licence inspector may impose terms and conditions with respect to a licence.
  • The licence inspector may refuse, suspend, or cancel a licence if the licence holder has failed to ensure compliance with a provision of the Business Licence and Regulation Bylaw 2253, 2019 or a term or condition of the licence applicable to the business; or for other reasonable cause pursuant to the Community Charter. The issuance of a licence shall not be deemed to be a representation by the Resort Municipality to the licence holder or to anyone else that the business complies with all applicable bylaws or other enactments. The licence holder shall ensure compliance with all bylaws and other enactments.

Click Continue to start the application process.